Make a donation

Not a Beekeeper but still want to support our growing initiative? Consider a tax deductible donation. Your donations will help fund groundbreaking research into Honey Bee survivability and education programs for Beekeepers to help them be more successful and sustainable.


How we use your donations

  • In Pursuit of Survivability:

    High colony losses severely impact beekeeping outcomes.

    However, in this same environment, we have wildly successful beekeepers with high survival? What drives this difference?

    In many instances, beekeepers never graduate from beginner content, and never have the opportunity to learn the next-stage skills, and alternative approaches for success. It is this dearth of next-stage skills and alternative approaches that dooms these beekeepers.

    This conference looks to illuminate those differences, and provide beekeepers with the tools necessary for beekeeping success.

    This conference features several nationally sought beekeeping educators.

    -Headline Act: Doctor Clarence Collison, Emeritus Professor of Entomology and Department Head Emeritus of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University.

    -University and State staff: Doctor Thomas Webster, KSU, Jared Spokowsky, Indiana State Apiarist.

    -Master Beekeepers: Kent Williams, John Benham, Leonard Davis, Jake Barker

    Content will be provided in three tracts: Intermediate, Advanced, and Research. Research will look to illuminate current findings, and how they apply to the bee yard.

  • Mapping honeybee populations by using GIS to record swarm locations.

  • Capturing swarms and pairing locations with genetic sampling in GIS.

  • One of the stops on our roadmap is to study the affects of honeybees on native pollinator populations if any.