Meet Our Team

Thomas Scott

Aysha Tapp Ross

Chris Ross

Sarah K Conn

  • President/Researcher

  • Vice President

    Thomas is an accomplished individual with a diverse educational background, he has always been passionate about learning, and exploring new fields. His journey began at the University of Kentucky, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology. This degree allowed him to delve into the fascinating world of microorganisms and their impact on our lives.

    His thirst for knowledge did not stop there. He went on to earn a Bachelor's degree in Business Management from Northwood University, which gave him a solid foundation in the principles of business and entrepreneurship. he also earned a Bachelor's degree in Science from the University of Louisville, which broadened his understanding of the natural world and its complexities.

    In addition to his Bachelor's degrees, he also holds an Associate degree in Business Administration from McKendee University. This degree provided him with practical skills and knowledge that he applies throughout his career.

    Outside of my academic pursuits, he has also pursued his passion for beekeeping. For the past four years, he has been a dedicated beekeeper, tending to his hives and learning about the important role that bees play in our ecosystem.

    Overall, his diverse educational background and passion for learning have shaped him into a well-rounded individual with a deep appreciation for the natural world and a drive to make a positive impact in his community.

  • Secretary /Researcher

    Aysha (she/her) performs administrative duties for the president, coordinates all Board of Directors meetings and activities, and manages all organizational needs at Apis Rescue. She also provides guidance in developing and facilitating research projects, aids in grant writing, and data processing using her background in R and GIS.

    She earned her Master’s Degree in Sustainability from the University of Louisville, and she is currently working on her PhD in Biology, also with the University of Louisville, where she is focusing on agro-ecological aspects of regenerative farming practices. Aysha’s master’s thesis and dissertation research focuses on soil microbes in conservation agriculture. She is also the Water and Soil Health Scientist with American Farmland Trust, and the president of the Shelby County Farmers’ Market. In her spare time Aysha also helps run the family farmstead and apiary with her husband and four children.

  • Treasurer

    Sarah is a hobbyist beekeeper, beginning her foray into the apicultural world in late 2014. Her early experiences with imported versus local bee stock solidified her desire only to propagate locally-sourced honey bee genetics, and led her to join the swarm-retrieval arm of her local bee club. Building upon the skills that she learned in this group, Sarah went on to promulgate the importance of utilizing wild-caught honey bee colonies in the apiary through educational outreach and public presentations.

    The bulk of Sarah’s career was been spent in academia, but a recent career move has placed her in public service, where she currently works as an auditor. Sarah earned her first bachelor’s degree from Transylvania University in 2011, and her second from the University of Kentucky in 2022. Her longstanding commitment to pecuniary responsibility has put her on track to earn her C.F.E. in the upcoming year, and she hopes to earn her C.P.A. soon after.